🎥 FREE MASTERCLASS Seven Screenwriting Mistakes Stopping You Getting an Agent https://www.scriptfella.com/mistakes-masterclass 100% of agents and execs who fail to finish your script will pass. Join this free masterclass with WGA Screenwriter Dominic Morgan, where he will teach you how to eliminate the 7 BIGGEST MISTAKES that cause Hollywood agents and managers to stop reading your script. Spoiler alert: This isn’t about your plot, characters, logline, or story circles. And the first mistake is an absolute dealbreaker… Get access now at https://www.scriptfella.com/mistakes-masterclass THE SCRIPTFELLA PROGRAM Learn how to radically improve your writing and break into Hollywood https://www.scriptfella.com/the-scriptfella-program Any questions, email dom@scriptfella.com V. best, Dominic How do you hook a reader on page one and keep them reading: 1. OPTIMISE YOUR PAGE DESIGN 2. UPGRADE YOUR FIRST LINE OF DIALOGUE 3. WRITE SOMETHING VISUAL THEY WANT TO SHOOT 4. DON’T WRITE AN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL 5. MAKE EVERY WORD COUNT 6. INTRO YOUR HERO ASAP 7. DON’T WRITE SKIM 8. HIT THE GROUND RUNNING 9. BUILD UP YOUR LINE-OF-CREDIT WITH THE READER 10. SHOW THEM SOMETHING THEY’VE NEVER SEEN BEFORE 11. GROUND YOUR LEAD CHARACTER WHO IS SCRIPTFELLA? I'm a seasoned WGA screenwriter & story consultant. I've been optioned or commissioned by over 30 US and UK studios and production companies including: Universal Studios, Working Title, Bold Films, Scott Free, BBC and ITV. Recent produced credits include the award-winning motion picture An Act of Defiance (2017) and the not-so-award winning Hard Target 2 (2016). If you'd like me to help you tell YOUR STORY, shoot me an email on scriptfella@gmail.com and let's get stuck in.